Pottery Making Experience — Pottery Kiln
Pottery Kiln Cheat Sheet: What to Do During a Power Outage
A power outage can be stressful, especially when you're in the middle of a kiln firing. Whether you’re doing a bisque firing or glaze firing, it’s essential to handle the situation properly to prevent damage to your pottery. First and foremost, take a deep breath. Pottery kilns are designed to handle temperature fluctuations, and it’s possible your pieces will be fine. How you respond depends on the stage of firing. Here’s your quick Pottery Kiln Cheat Sheet on how to unload and what to do during a power outage.
How to Safely Unload Your Pottery Kiln After Firing
Now that your firing is complete, it's time to unload your pottery kiln. Unloading your pottery kiln after a firing is an exciting but delicate process. Whether it’s after a bisque firing or glaze firing, proper unloading techniques are essential to prevent damage to your pottery and ensure your pieces are in perfect condition. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you unload your kiln safely: Wait for the Kiln to Cool: Never open your kiln immediately after the firing is complete. Allow the kiln to cool down completely—this can take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours, depending on the size...
How to Load a Glaze Firing: Step-by-Step Guide
How to Load a Bisque Firing: Step-by-Step Guide
A step-by-step guide to properly load a bisque firing for pottery and ceramic artists. These instructions are based on using a Skutt kiln, firing for mid range clay.
Helpful Tips for Managing a Pottery Kiln
A one page cheat sheet to guide how to use a ceramic kiln for the first time. Instructions to use a Skutt kiln for pottery and clay artists. The suggested program is for mid range firing.